Our Premier Vendors
PECAA’s Premier Vendor Partners share in our commitment to helping Members propel their practices forward. Each of these companies offers aggressive programs and pricing structures designed to increase practice proficiency and profitability. PECAA’s ability to offer some of the nation’s most competitive and comprehensive member programs is because of our Premier Partners’ support.

As a PECAA Member, you have the freedom to use the lab that works best for your practice. Unlike other groups, we do not require you to use certain labs in order to be a member of our organization.

PECAA’s exclusive programs with industry leading manufacturers are designed to lower your cost of goods and increase your profitability. Our contact lens partners offer PECAA Members some of the best pricing available.

PECAA wants to make your purchasing process as easy and seamless as possible, while providing you with some of the most competitive prices in the industry. Our partnerships allow you to purchase goods in the way that is most cost effective for your practice.

PECAA’s frame and accessories partners offer products at a variety of price points to meet the needs of your patients. We choose to partner with companies who share in our mission to promote and protect independent eye care. Many of these vendors cater exclusively to the independent practitioner and offer products that are not available to chain retailers.

PECAA is dedicated to keeping you up to date with the very latest in technology and innovation. Our equipment partners offer cutting edge technology designed to work for you in order to provide your patients with the very best of care.

PECAA understands and shares in your commitment to your patient’s visual health. Our partners can help you in providing the products needed to meet the needs of your patients.

There are many elements needed to help you build a high performing practice. We offer exclusive programs with companies who specialize in many different areas of your business.