Event Details
Posterior Limbo: Raising The Bar On Low Vision
Sunday, February 19 | 11:00 AM – 4:30 PM ET | Zoom Webinar
Registration Options
• Please Note: Registration will end at 11:59 PM Pacific Time on Saturday, February 18.
• If you need assistance when registering, contact our Director of Member Education at 971.362.2866 or education@pecaa.com.
Event Summary
PECAA is pleased to announce its next education event: Posterior Limbo: Raising The Bar On Low Vision. Taking place on Sunday, February 19th, this event provides up to five (5) hours of (Pending) COPE-approved clinical continuing education to optometrists across the country and will be presented in a synchronous, virtual, Zoom webinar format. COPE has modified the rules going forward, removing the testing requirement for synchronous virtual formatted courses to count as COPE approved CE credits.
Each PECAA education event provides impactful instruction on a targeted area relevant to contemporary eye care practice. The February 19th event will focus on low vision patients and the resources available to help make this diagnosis and treatment a standard of care. Attendees will take a deep dive into ocular emergencies of the posterior pole and how they can directly relate to a present or future low vision diagnosis. They will learn about prescribing for the low vision patients along with discussing ideas on how best to keep these patients engaged in activities as well as improve their quality of life.
Posterior Limbo: Raising The Bar On Low Vision is open to all optometrists nationwide, including PECAA members and non-members alike, and we look forward to welcoming you to this event.
Our Speakers
Event Agenda
Agenda For Posterior Limbo: Raising The Bar On Low Vision – 5 Hours CE Credit — (02/19/2023)
COPE Event ID: COPE Pending
To view the agenda in your Time Zone, click the button below.
All times shown below are Eastern (ET).
10:30 AM — Webinar Opens
11:00 – 11:15 AM — Webinar Begins: Announcements And Introductions
Please Note: All participants must be online at this time in order to receive full credit.
11:15 AM – 12:55 PM — True Ocular Emergencies Of The Posterior Pole
Speaker: Carlo J. Pelino, OD, FAAO
CE Hours: 2 — COPE Course ID: 78800-TD
Description: The goal of this course is to present the true ocular emergencies that present in the posterior pole. Specifically it will review clinical findings, appropriate systemic testing, as well as treatment and management of each emergency. New treatment options and specific testing will be discussed. This course will be presented in a grand rounds fashion.
12:55 – 1:05 PM — Q&A
1:10 – 2:00 PM — Fun And Games For The Win: Keeping Visually Impaired Individuals Engaged In Desired Near Hobbies And Activities
Speaker: Janis Ecklund Winters, OD
CE Hours: 1 — COPE Course ID: 80486-LV
Description: This course will review the importance of avocations in well-being. Ocular conditions causing vision impairment and specific vision loss will be defined. The impact of vision loss on visual function/perception will be considered. Functional requirements of traditional magnification devices will be compared. These requirements along with accessibility modifications will be applied to specific to avocations. The importance of working through a process to reach the desired endpoint will be highlighted. Communication between a provider and patient/family as well as between professionals related to vision rehabilitation case management will be described.
2:00 – 2:10 PM — Q&A
2:10 – 2:30 PM — Break
2:30 – 4:10 PM — Considerations For Prescribing For The Low Vision Patient — What To Prescribe And When
Speaker: Richard J. Shuldiner, OD, FAAO, FIALVS
CE Hours: 2 — COPE Course ID: 82669-LV
Description: The low vision practitioner must match the visual requirements of the task with the magnification, contrast, color and field requirements of the patient. We will review actual cases to discover which devices work with which tasks. We will cover the optical, electronic, physical and cosmetic advantages and disadvantages.
4:10 – 4:30 PM — Q&A, Conclusion and Adjournment
Thank You To Our Supporting Vendor Partners!
This event is supported by the following PECAA vendor partners.
We sincerely thank them for their support!
Johnson & Johnson Vision
ZEISS Vision Care